Documentary Photographer.
Document-Now : British Documentary Photography. Editorial and Landscape photography by David Cross.

The work looks at various topics though the main theme is concerned social commentary using various modes of documentary photography.
Please take a look at the Images to see examples of my British documentary photographs.
Click here to fast track to new documentary photography for 2023.
Focussing on all aspects of life in the U.K: I work in a pre-arranged style and candidly, the projects are centred around formal applications to create work, such as the recent series where I am covering the Ukrainian situation here in England and completely off grid, such as the Coast project started in September. This latter documentary project sees me simply visiting areas and making photographs as and when the opportunity arises and making connections along the way.
Focussing on the Forest of Dean: the photographs explore the region both artistically and in a social documentary style. The images look at landscape, climate change, Covid 19 and societal change brought on by a mix of modernisation, immigration, rising living costs and Brexit. The photographs also explore the competition for space and identity in the Forest as the region attempts to become a Biosphere.
Focussing on the Environment: This project has involved several institutions and Gov. agencies and has a ground breaking piece written by Dr. Jacques Rangasamy. M.B.E. The documentary photographs were used in an editorial style and published in issue 1 of Humanity, along with the written work of Dr. Rangasamy.
Focussing on the immediate Social Landscape: a new and responsive documentary photography utilising colour film for maximum realism. This project has been shot instinctively and fast much like Kerouac's response to the road. The work is a direct and instantaneous response to New Britain, the country I find myself living in post Covid and Brexit.
Photographic Prints of the Forest of Dean are available for sale, please see the Print Store below. At request images from all documentary projects can be bought and most are available for publishing and exhibiting.
All prints from our Print Store are of exceptional collectors quality and signed by the photographer. We also make certain prints available at this link. All images are available by request.

Forest of Dean
The Forest of Dean is an area that has always attracted me as a photographer.
There is a special feeling there, a sense of time and place.
After working on in-depth photo projects for several years, I am now surrounded by the landscape and lucky to call it home.
What started as a bus tour to get a feeling for it, turned into a year long project that showed in various Halls and Art Centres under the title,"Ow Bist Owd Butty", this lead to the "Coal Face" project and publication in The Independent as well as a show at Art Space and a limited run of books.
I was lucky to spend a little time with the Brass Band based in Lydbrook, their sound and dedication to perfection was astounding and I'm sure there is a book on the subject waiting to be made. This project lead to "The Local Game" an extensive documentary on life in the 2nd Division football league.
Your images speak for you and lead to introductions and further opportunities to do your best, to record the scene with integrity and sometimes a little sympathy, ultimately you are touched by the people you meet and get to know.
This is the life unexpected that photography can bring you.

Lock Down #1
Making images and covering the depth of feeling during the COVID 19 Lockdown wasn't easy.
Many photographers simply gave up, but I felt it was important to press on, one frame at a time working in a truly honest way and being careful not to milk the ability to get around too much. Art Space Gallery in the Forest of Dean were producing a book and I was happy to supply a photograph from my project for their publication.
Below and above, are a small sample of the images made during the early stages of the pandemic.
This work has become a collection of images that one day might see publication in book form. Meanwhile please see the slide show on Images 2.

Division 2 Football
While travelling on foot to an event near Lydbrook in the Forest of Dean, I discovered 2nd Division Football.
This has held my attention for a while now and has become my lead documentary project. This type of amateur league game is in decline in some areas, even here in the Forest, which has a rich history in the game, with some Teams having folded or merged to keep going. The pitches are wonky, the Ref's decision is always subject to complaint and the beer flows freely on the side-lines.
This is community at work, an element of socialism all funded by volunteers and small companies who pay for the kit.
Spectating is free and is welcomed. I thank Bream AFC for letting me in to make these documentary photographs of british culture.

This project is ongoing but a book is available of the first years work. You can also view the documentary slide show.
Print Store
We ensure every photographic print is created to a high standard. We are committed to quality and original photo art delivered safely, at a sensible cost and ready to hang on your wall.
Please allow us a couple of days to make and carefully package your print order.
We work with a trusted professional printer and framer, to produce outstanding results that look incredible.
The cost of these prints is £150.00.
We also offer a cheaper A4 sized print, these are of superb quality and the perfect size for most homes. These are £15.00 + pp.
More images uploaded soon, feel free to make a request.
Start your collection today.
Thanks for looking.
A4 with large borders. High quality. No mount or frame.
A4 with large borders. High Quality. No mount or frame.
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